Asset Managers
Asset Managers use Venn to help efficiently analyze investments, unearth critical insights, conduct diligence, and manage risk.
Building models and reports in Excel is time-consuming and inconvenient. By contrast, Venn by Two Sigma offers a user-friendly interface compared to other risk portfolio management tools. *
* The Venn subscriber featured here was not compensated for their statements. As a Venn subscriber, their use of portfolio analytics or other Venn features and their experience could differ from your organization’s due to their particular use of Venn, the version of Venn used, or other factors. Not all subscribers will be equally satisfied. The person providing this testimonial was selected based on a variety of factors, some of which are subjective. This document is for informational purposes only. Not an offer to buy or sell securities. Click here for Important Disclosure and Disclaimer Information.
How Asset Managers Use Venn

Research and Due Diligence
Break down manager and investment risk and return and identify those that support your performance goals.

Portfolio Construction
Assess portfolio risks, compare investments, and change allocations on the fly.

Internal and External Reporting
Streamline stakeholder reporting and quickly create polished reports and presentations.

ITERAM Capital
ITERAM, a Swiss alternative asset manager, has partnered with Venn to help with key workflows including risk management, portfolio construction, and ongoing sourcing and research.
Thought Leadership
Market, Industry, and Analytical Insights

Understanding Your Portfolio
Venn helps clients run portfolio analytics on anything with a return stream, from wine to private assets. And, add a dash of holdings data.

The Two Sigma Factor Lens
Asset allocators are increasingly leveraging risk factor analytics for manager due diligence and an elevated understanding of portfolio diversification.

The Bacon Factor
When comparing various items, you want to evaluate them on an even playing field from investments to bacon.