Wealth Managers and Advisors
Venn can help you optimize multi-asset portfolios, evaluate investments and managers, manage risk and volatility, and report to clients.
Venn provides insights into underlying factors contributing to both the return and risk within their portfolios. We are now able to dive deeper and continually track ongoing trends in order to assist in making portfolio decisions.
* The Venn subscriber featured here was not compensated for their statements. As a Venn subscriber, their use of portfolio analytics or other Venn features and their experience could differ from your organization’s due to their particular use of Venn, the version of Venn used, or other factors. Not all subscribers will be equally satisfied. The person providing this testimonial was selected based on a variety of factors, some of which are subjective. This document is for informational purposes only. Not an offer to buy or sell securities. Click here for Important Disclosure and Disclaimer Information.
How Wealth Managers & Advisors Use Venn

Portfolio Construction
Construct multi-asset portfolios, including public and private assets, change allocations on the fly, compare investments, and stress test.

Manager Due Diligence
Break down manager risk and return, identify factor betas and residual components (e.g., alpha), prepare for meetings, and ask questions with confidence.

Customizable Reporting
Produce client-ready reports and presentations, help comply with record-keeping rules, and eliminate manual processes.

Brockenbrough Streamlines their Portfolio Analysis Process
At Brockenbrough, streamlining the time and labor intensive process of gathering data from clients’ portfolios and running analytics allows the team to spend more time interpreting the analyses.
Thought Leadership
Market, Industry, and Analytical Insights

Analyzing Private Assets
Private Asset returns are often smoothed and infrequent, reducing transparency. Venn tools can help view these assets through a public market lens.

2023 Family Wealth Report Award
Venn is pleased to announce it has been named the winner in the Best ‘Portfolio Management’ category of the Tenth Annual Family Wealth Report Awards.

Three Ways to Use Venn's Report Lab
Report Lab was designed to streamline the creation of presentations and proposals, allowing you to tell your investment narrative with customization and personalization.